Ditch the Horse Race

News Consumers
Photo by Just Eldredge Media / Atlanta Civic Circle

As we approach a (now standard) contentious election in the U.S. — and as such elections happen all over the world — journalists could simply ride the river of conflict until ... well, no one really has an answer for when that approach might end. “Someday when things are more peaceful,” the reporter theorizes while searching for disruptions of the peace.

To paraphrase an adage, the best time to change how you work was 20 years ago; the next best time is now. Newsrooms like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Atlanta Civic Circle, The Current (Lafayette) and WITF-FM embody that philosophy, swimming against the tide to make something special. That’s why SJN’s Linda Shaw, Jaisal Noor and Tina Rosenberg wrote about them for the newest edition of The IRE Journal. While we encourage you to check out the entire issue since it covers elections, Investigative Reporters & Editors generously allowed us to republish this spotlight on innovative coverage people crave.

These newsrooms are leaning into the messy work of democracy. And when they do, they don’t just report on it; they facilitate the process and work to make it healthier. They’re bringing people together in an era when division is profitable. They’re doing thoughtful, unglamorous work when hot takes and scare quotes are the norm. They’re choosing now, and they’re sharing lessons in how you can do the same. The biggest one? Instead of waiting for the right moment, you have to help build it.

Photo above by Just Eldredge Media / Atlanta Civic Circle
