Who We Are
The Solutions Journalism Network is leading a global shift in journalism focused on advancing rigorous reporting about how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes and failures.

We call solutions journalism "hope with teeth." Research shows that when news reveals what’s working (or promising), it elevates the tone of public discourse, making it less divisive and more constructive, allows communities to see better options, and builds agency and hope.

How We Work
The Solutions Journalism Network is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed to transparency, editorial independence and building a culture of belonging and respect.

The team at Solutions Journalism Network is an energetic and collaborative bunch, living on four continents.

Funders & Supporters
The Solutions Journalism Network receives financial support from foundations and individual donors.

Annual Reports & Financials
The Solutions Journalism Network has been working to change the journalism landscape since 2013.

What's Next
Interested in becoming part of the network? There are many ways to get involved — from joining a cohort or fellowship, to taking (or teaching!) a workshop, to sharing solutions journalism with your community, friends and family.