Does Climate Solutions Journalism Spur Action?

News Consumers
A quote is shown on a presentation slide, "We need critical hope the way a fish needs unpolluted water" by Paulo Freire

New research certainly suggests it does. Emmanuel Maduneme, a doctoral candidate at the University of Oregon, and Alex Segrè Cohen, an assistant professor of science and risk communication at UO’s School of Journalism and Communication, released a study finding that, done well, solutions journalism can “[increase] intentions for pro-environmental action.” The researchers are candid about the study’s limitations, and intent to pursue action can be mitigated by a variety of factors. Nevertheless, “[S]olutions journalism can give ways you can participate,” Maduneme says. The full study is here, though it's behind a paywall. You can also dig into coverage of the results from Leila Okahata at, or from Cloe Logan at Canada’s National Observer.